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SAVE, Inc.


Homeless ServicesHealth & WellnessHealthcareHIV/AIDS Service Organizations 

About Us

SAVE, Inc. provides comprehensive housing solutions to empower socially and medically disadvantaged people to improve their health and lead stable lives with personal dignity.

Core Values

Responsiveness: To the housing needs of our clients, their families and the community.
Accountability: To our clients, supporters, contributors, and the community at large.
Integrity: To provide services to the community in a compassionate, respectful, and non-judgmental manner.
Diversity: To promote inclusiveness.
Collaboration: To cultivate community partnerships that maximize resources and avoid duplication of services.
Leadership : To serve as a positive, inspirational role model in our community.
Advocacy: To provide a collective public voice speaking on behalf of those challenged by homelessness, poverty, HIV/AIDS, serious mental illnesses, and chronic substance abuse and to raise awareness of our organization.


Silverleaf Building
Prairie Home
Cropsey Place
Cropsey Terrace
Kings Court
Mitchell House


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