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Member Spotlight Submission Form

Do you have some good news to share? Has your business or one of your employees received a well deserved accolade. We want to hear about the great things happening and highlight significant accomplishments, big milestones and news about our members with the community.

Please complete the form below so we can highlight your news on our webpage and across the Chamber's social media accounts.

The Chamber cannot guarantee that all submissions will be published. The Chamber reserves the right to edit all materials before their publication and determine when the news will be published.

Please send questions about story submission should be sent to
Catch their attention with your headline. Shorter is always better. A maximum of 150 characters is allowed
Tell us all about your news within 500 words or about 1 page. You may also want to add a short one or two sentences about your organization at the bottom of your submission
Provide us the name of your organization
Provide us with a photo or logo you would like to include with your story. We will use your organization's logo if you don't include a photo with the story.
Provide us with a photo or logo you would like to include with your story. We will use your organization's logo if you don't include a photo with the story.
Provide us with a photo or logo you would like to include with your story. We will use your organization's logo if you don't include a photo with the story.
Let us know if you have additional information or instructions you would like to share with us about the story such as preferred publication dates.

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